Monday, March 15, 2010

Study - Assessing Support to Remove On-Street Parking for Bike Lanes

The Clean Air Partnership (CAP) is pleased to announce the release of a research report Bike Lanes, On-Street Parking and Business Year 2 Report: A Study of Bloor Street in Toronto's Bloor West Village.

CAP is also pleased to offer a webinar, offered to the first 40 participants free of charge, that will profile the findings of the study, the tools and methodology used and a discussion on how a similar study could be conducted in other communities.

The reallocation of street use from on-street parking to active transportation infrastructure such as widened sidewalks or bike lanes has become a controversial issue in many cities over the past several decades. Opposition to such changes is often based on the assumption that on-street parking is vital to business and that removing on-street parking will decrease customer numbers and therefore commercial activity. However, cities are becoming increasingly interested in providing space for active transportation, citing the health, safety and environmental benefits as primary catalysts.

Click on title to be linked with the report. To register for this webinar please click here.


Anonymous said...

Drive carefully. It is not only cars that can be recalled by their Maker.............................................

dewapelangi said...

maybe the walk is also subject to parking rules